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ExoSkeleton Dome Colony

On-Going Project

A quick preview of future personal projects of mine, as well as what I am currently interested in learning to not only better myself but better any project I'm involved in. Projects ranges from a collaborative effort on a ttrpg to a full novel. And what I'm currently teaching myself ranges from programs to languages. Projects are featured up top, so have a look and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Zaffaera Logo finalized


What started as just a logo for a friends homebrew dnd game grew into a much larger project. In the slide you'll see a few of the sketches I have done thus far, most focusing on the typography. Right now we're in the process of organizing, with 3 artist, 2 writers, and our team lead. As part of the artistic team, I had taken the liberty of creating a to-do list and began the process of visual research. Kickstarter is aimed for 2022.


A working title for now. This has been idea buzzing around in my skull for a while now. I hemmed and hawed over what medium I was going to apply it to before landing on novel. It might end up turning into a series of novels but that's for another time. For now, I have a general road map; one homeless young teen finds a dead body and a whole heap of trouble with a killer unseen and waiting.


Please Note: The photographs shown were provided by Unsplash to be used as reference and were not taken by me.


"Hunter" was originally a concept for my senior animation thesis back in 2014-2015. But, due to pushing myself too hard, I never really completed it. Now, looking back and re-watching it, I see the missed potential. I want to try again, breath new life into it. I've begun the process of re-imagining the main character and soon I'll be going about doing thumbnail storyboards. With no one to prove myself too, I can take my time and really polish this idea.


Journey to
the End

You ever listen to a song and imagine a whole trailer in your head. Every time I listen to this one particular song I imagine a road trip movie, or perhaps a short series, of these two young adults, a hare and an opossum, former friends from the same town, both transgender [transfem and transmasc respectively], and during this trip the world opens up and the two of them rekindle a lost friendship. Right now, I'm working on character art, and I'll be using this as an opportunity to learn how to make a pitch bible.


To be frank this was an idea that's been rattling in my brain since high school. The beginning has changed a billion times by this point. A few years back I started it as a comic as part of a WebToons competition, but as with Hunter, I burned myself out fast on the project and it's been shelved since. I'm hoping to restart it once more, give it another go. There's plenty of foundation to work off of, a whole script that just needs some polish. It's just a matter of doing the thing.



In an attempt to get back into 3D animation and sculpting, I've picked up the free program Blender and an old version of Sculptris. While Maya and other such programs are more desirable for work, I figured, so long as I learn enough to show progress and get good enough the program wouldn't matter as much as the skill.

Donut learning render 2.png

Please Note: Images in this, the Languages, section were not created by me and are merely representative of the information in the text.


On top of everything, to kind of round things out I'm also putting in effort to learn not only spoken languages, with main focuses being on Spanish via Duolingo, I'm also going to attempt to learn to code. Via a virtual jobs fair I came across ColorCoded Labs. They have a 19-week bootcamp of sorts that will earn me a nanodegree in Full Stack Software Development. It may not be as good as a full 4 year degree but it will give me a good foundation in a highly desired skill set.

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